Established in 2001 with the merger of the Pedagogical University of Rzeszów, the Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Rzeszów branch and the Economics Faculty of the Agricultural Academy of Cracow. The University of Rzeszów successfully continues the policy of these Institutions, but on wider range, with new facilities and courses. University’s international cooperation is very fruitful with educational Institutions both from West and East Europe. The University of Rzeszów participates in the ERASMUS and CEEPUS Programmes and Foundations of Alexander Humboldt, DAAD, NATO. The University of Rzeszów has its leading role in initiating and keeping great and wide scientific, social and cultural contacts with neighbouring countries and our partners from European Community. Geo-cultural conditions open many possibilities of cooperating through the structure of Carpathian Euroregion and it is still one of its priorities to keep international cooperation fluent and profitable.